energysim features

Although key functions were highlighted in the main page, energysim comes with additional inbuilt methods which allow users to take more control of the cosimulation.

Adding signals

The add_signal() method of the world object provides the ability to add user-defined time (in)variant signals to the cosimulation objects. This is especially useful if some inputs of the cosimulation simulators need a constant signal, or a time varying signal (such as sin). In energysim, this can be added by:

def my_signal(time):
    return [1]

my_world.add_signal(sim_name='constant_signal', signal = my_signal, step_size=1)

Users need to make sure that the return value from the my_signal part is within square brackets ([ ]), i.e. a list. The value returned must also be a single value. If multiple values are returned, the signal function will not be added. The signal function can also be more complex. For example, instead of return [1], the my_signal function can also return np.sin(2*np.pi*time).

In the connections dictionary, this signal can then be connected to other simulators by:

connections = {'constant_signal.y' : 'sim1.input_variable1'}

The default step size is 1s for signals. However, it can be changed by specifying step_size argument in the add_signal method.

Modify signals before exchange

Many times, it is required in the simulation whereby output of a particular simulator needs to be “modified” before exchanging the value with a another simulator. This is fairly common in energy system integration simulations. For example, consider two simulators a CHP system and an electric network (EN). The power output from CHP simulator (an FMU) is obtained in Watts units. This power output of the CHP needs to be provided to the pandapower network. However, the EN accepts values only in MW. One way to address the problem is to change the output values of the CHP in the model itself and recompile the FMU. It may not always be possible to do so (FMU may be encrypted!). Therefore, energysim provides an inbuilt method to address such problems by supplying the modify_dict to world options. Two types of modifications can be applied: 1) multiply with a constant, and 2) multiply with a constant and add a constant. This is shown as follows

modifications = {'sim1.var1':[x], #multiplies var1 of sim1 by x before variables are exchanged,
                 'sim2.var1':[x1, x2] #multiplies by x1 and adds x2

options = {'init' : initializations,
            'modify_signal': modifications}


In the example highlighted above, the modification can be set as:

#multiply electric power of chp by 1/1e6 to convert W -> MW before it is given to EN,
modifications = {'chp.e_power':[1/1e6]}

Enabling sensitivity analysis

An important part of energy system analysis is the parameter sensitivity. In energysim, this can be done by updating the init option to update parameters of the cosimulation.:

#configure energysim with simulators

for v1, v2 in [(0.1,0.2), (1,2), (10,20)]:
    sens = {'sim_name1' : (['sim_variables'], [values]),
            'sim_name2' : (['sim_variables'], [values])}
            options = {'init' : sens}
    res = my_world.simulate(pbar=False)
    #extract relevant results and store them

A more sophisticated functionality is planned to create an integrated sensitivity analysis with energysim.

Optimal Power Flow

By default, the powerflow network added in energysim are solved for ac powerflow. However, users can specify in the add_simulator arguments to solve for opf. This is shown below:

my_world.add_simulator(sim_type = 'powerflow', sim_name = 'grid',
        sim_loc = grid_loc, inputs = ['wind1.P'], outputs=['Bus 1.V', 'Bus 12.V', 'wind1.P'],
        step_size=3, pf = 'opf')

This feature is currently only available in pandapower networks.

Validation of FMUs

Internally, FMPy checks the validity of FMUs. To speedup, this flag can be set as False while adding simulators.

System Topology Plot

energysim uses NetworkX to generate topology of the cosimulation based on the connections dictionary. This can be visualised by:

my_world.plot(plot_edge_labels=False, node_size=300, node_color='r')